Thursday, January 23, 2014

Key Lime Truffle

This is the first time I tried lime flavor with chocolate and the first thought that came to my mind when I tasted it was, " Its really good". I had not expected lime flavor to go that well with white chocolate. Its an unbelievable combination of creamy white chocolate with a hint of freshness in every bite that comes with lemon zest and keylime flavor. Loved the addition of salt and black pepper in this recipe, coz it enhances the flavor of these truffles.

Ingredients -

White chocolate - 110 gms
Heavy cream - 30 gms
Unsalted butter - 10 gms
Salt - 1 tbs
Black pepper - pinch
Lemon zest of 1 fresh lemon
Keylime essence - few drops

Recipe -

  1. Heat butter and cream in a heavy pan. Do not boil your cream
  2. Pour this cream onto your chocolate.
  3. Stir cream and chocolate slowly with a spatula or spoon. Your chocolate will melt and form a mixture.
  4. Add essence, zest, pepper and salt into this mixture.
  5. Cover the bowl with a cling film and refrigerate it for 7-8 hours.
  6. White chocolate melts easily when touched with hands. Roll this mixture into balls with help of your fingers.
  7. You can cover these truffles with a layer of dark chocolate and decorate them with candied lemon peel or any other coating of your choice. I prefer to leave them just like that.
  8. Store them in a air tight container and serve at room temperature.

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